Academic Publications
2004 - ongoing

I've co-written a few papers, posters and extended abstracts for academic journals, conferences and workshops, mostly about human computer interaction.
CityTracing – Andrew Wilson, Paola Zanotto, poster, UrbanIxD Symposium, Telecom Italia Future Centre in Venice, Italy, September 2014.
Harnessing Player Creativity to Broaden the Appeal of Location Based Games HCI 2010: 'Play is a Serious Business'
Wilson, Andrew and Coulton, Paul (2010) Free All Monsters. In: ISEA 2010 Ruhr 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Revolver Publishing, Berlin, pp. 397-398. ISBN 9783868951035
Participatory Game Design to Engage a Digitally Excluded Community, Digital Games Research Association 2011
Participation inequality in mobile location games, ACE '11 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
Children, guidebooks, SMS and virtual characters. Keho (3). pp. 33-35.
Observations on Situated Design, Theoretical Perspectives and Measurement of Player Experiences in Location Aware Games,
I did some reading of submissions for this workshop: Evaluating player experiences in location aware games, BCS-HCI '08 Proceedings of the 22nd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Culture, Creativity, Interaction
I've been to workshops at CHI in Florence and Ubicomp in Nottingham which required submitting a short "extended abstract".