The second annual an exhibition showcasing research and artefacts from various ongoing long-term collaborations between artists and scientists.

Featuring John-Paul Brown, Philippa Browning, Annie Carpenter, Nicola Ellis, Philipp Frankel, Emma Gowen, Antony Hall, Michelle Harrison, Sam Hay, Matthias Heil, Maria Jedryszek, Aidan Keith, Sophy King, Hannah Leighton-Boyce, Margaret O'Brien, Helen Park, Yvonne Peters, Ellen Poliakoff, Aled Deakin Roberts, Aoife Taylor, Anastasia Vasileiou, Sunny Vowles and Andrew Wilson.

Kindly supported by the EPSRC Programme Grant ‘MIDAS’ (EP/S01702X/1), at the University of Manchester.

Exhibition continues: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September, 11.00 - 15.00
Symposium: Saturday 24th September, 15.00 - 17.00
Basement exhibition space at SEESAW, 86 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6NG