
A platform for prototyping, developing and sustaining socially valuable uses of mobile messaging.
Thumbprint has been going long enough to say that there are a range of guaranteed positive results from using it.
More people will come to your events.
Which means better results and better value for money to report in monitoring forms for funders.
Using Thumbprint means you can keep in touch with people over long periods.
You can support people to improve their wellbeing.
You can support people who are changing their behaviour.
You can support people 'out of hours' when your group or organisation isn't open.
By using Thumbprint you can support people who are caring for other people, and might feel lonely and isolated.
You can listen to people's voices.
Those voices can be poetic.
And heartfelt.
Because it is based on experience going back to 2001, Thumbprint has the set of built-in features that most groups and organisations typically need in order to get started quickly and make productive use of mobile messaging.
That means it's easy to try out ideas for using mobile messaging in new ways, for example in bibliotherapy.
Thumbprint was even used to develop the first version of this game.
Thumbprint is used by people and organisations as different in size and activity as a council mental health service, a tenants and residents association, a community allotment , a community creative writing workshop , a drug and alcohol treatment agency , a local councillor to consult people about a budget and many more.
Thumbprint supports distributed rather than top-down ways of making things happen better.
It puts a tool in the hands of people and organisations that lets them come up with their own new ways to look after themselves and each other, and to share those models for other people to build on.
Why is Thumbprint so effective?
It is "such an accessible way of communicating” according to Linda Wilkinson, Head of Market Development and Innovation at Kirklees Council.
“Everyone can and does use mobile messaging to keep in touch. As councils increasingly look at ways to assist the development of supportive networks - either across communities of interest or in neighbourhoods - this simple technology has been shown to be effective. It puts control firmly in the hands of individuals. It’s cheap. And it works.”
One of the things that validates Thumbprint as a way to sustain mental wellbeing and positive choices is how consistent the responses are from people who take part in different contexts, including a group of young men on a council estate in Huddersfield, a community mental health network in South London, and an arts and mental health charity.
A set of Thumbprint mental health and wellbeing themes always come up: an immediate boost in mood, a sense of connection (especially welcome "out of hours"), a prompt to reflect and question personal choices, timely coincidences that chime with a current situation, and building up a library of "resilience capital" against future dips in mood.
Thumbprint began life in 2006 (it was then called Anywhereblogs ), but the ideas, insights and experience it is based on can be traced back to the 2001 Guardian text message poetry competition and City Poems in 2003.